Welcome to
The Pareichtdise of Memes
Pepe Fïhrer is here
Welcome to your Meme dream
Pepe Fïhrer is here to purify all the memes and create a new kingdom of millionaires who hodl his token, furthermore Pepe will recover the glory of the old times when Memes where Memes and not bastards and rugpulls like is happenning in this days.
Liquidity 50.7%
Locked 38%
Cex and Dex Listing 6.3%
Team and development 5%
How to buy?
Create a wallet
Create a wallet that support Solana net for example Phantom wallet
Buy Solana
Buy some Solana in a Dex or Cex or straight from your Phantom wallet
Swap in Raydium
Swap your Solana for Pepe Fïhrer token and start checking the color of your new Ferrari
The new Era is here